https://doi.org/10.61306/jnastek.v2i2.26Kata Kunci:
website layanan pengaduan, dinas perumahan dan pemukiman kota binjai, websiteAbstrak
Improving public services is a form of government participation in serving the community. Public complaints are a form of participation to play a role in building the environment as well as a form of monitoring the performance of government agencies. Reports and community aspirations can be used as input for evaluating policies and regulations that have been made or regulations that have been implemented and to find out problems that exist in the community effectively, quickly and up to date and can immediately provide solutions and solutions. The Department of Housing and Settlement Areas of Binjai City has the main task of assisting the Governor in carrying out decentralization and deconcentration authority in the Housing, Settlement and Land areas in accordance with the policies established by laws and regulations. In this case, the community still finds it difficult to report complaints about problems, one of which is regarding illegal settlement development, because the community must come to the Binjai City Housing and Settlement Area Office to report the problem. This becomes ineffective and inefficient because many sub-districts are far from the city center, making it difficult for remote communities to complain to the Binjai City Housing and Settlement Area Office. For this reason, a web-based public complaint service information system is needed to make it easier for the public to report all existing problems. This facility is expected to help connect the community with the Binjai City Housing and Settlement Area Office as effectively and efficiently as possible.
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